Route 2 Highway Twinning
Route 2 Highway Twinning
Project Background
Project Background
In 2011, Davis MacIntyre & Associates conducted a heritage resource impact assessment for the Route 2 highway twinning project in New Brunswick. A preliminary archaeological investigation of the study area had been previously conducted and DM&A was contracted to investigate high potential areas outlined in the previous assessment, in particular an area with geological formations known as glacial kames, where First Nations encampments are sometimes found.
Key Findings
Key Findings
Shovel testing was conducted along the kame feature and revealed no cultural activity. The mounded stone feature was also tested archaeologically. The feature was cleared and cleaned of moss and vegetation. It was noted that organic material had not worked down into the void between the stones, suggesting the stones had not been covered with soil or vegetation for a long period of time. The feature was interpreted as dating to the 20th century and possibly related to land clearing for agriculture or silviculture activity.