Featured Projects
Browse though a sample of our featured projects
Cape Split Trails
An archaeological assessment ahead of extensive trail upgrades in Cape Split Provincial Park.
Halifax Methodist Cemetery
A partial cemetery relocation in historic downtown Halifax.
West Point
Archaeological monitoring of a new coastal erosion control project at Cedar Dunes in West Point, PEI.
Province House Gardens Redesign
An archeological monitoring project at Nova Scotia's historic Province House grounds that caused quiet the media buzz!
Paq'tnkek Interchange
A community partnership with Paq'tnkek Mi'kmaw Nation conducting archaeological investigations for a new highway interchange.
Port aux Basques Navigation Improvement
An Historic Resources Impact Assessment of a navigation improvement study at Port aux Basques, Newfoundland.
Argyle Grafton Shared Streetscape
This project has transformed these streets into more people-focused public open spaces that support the vitality of downtown.
BgDc-12 Delineation
An archaeological assessment and delineation of Mi'kmaw archaeological site in Nova Scotia.
Built Heritage Projects
The Morris House standing building recording project is highlighted from our many built heritage projects completed to date.
Route 2
A Heritage Resource Impact Assessment for the Route 2 highway twinning project in New Brunswick.
© 2020 Davis MacIntyre & Associates
(902) 402-4441
109 John Stewart Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Canada B2W 4J7